Friday, April 20, 2012

Just Dance!

A friend of mine just enlightened me with this video; it just may change your life....take four minutes to watch this video gone viral!  Stride Gum thought Matt was doing something So Great that they decided to sponsor him so that he could continue his journey.  You won't see Matt chewing Stride or promoting the product in any of his videos. Stride is simply taking the opportunity to build a positive image in consumers minds...pretty clever, right?

We may not speak the same language or share the same values, but there is one thing we have in common with everyone....We all know how to get down and bust a move!


  1. I don't like that guy because I'm jealous. But seriously, that looked like a lot of fun and it is inspirational!

    Chad B.

  2. I've been in love with Chad for years! This project was just amazing :-)
